
POST 7: Changes to my Study Program

  My career has some subjects that for my concern are repetitive through the years, in those hours of classes instead of repeat information the program could incorporate some extracurricular subjects that are significant for today, also, the first year the classes are all of one year length, that is if you fail the course, you instantly are one year late to finish the career, this also happens with every subject because these are dictated only on first or second semester, that is to say if you fail the course you will be able to do it only the next year. In the faculty that I study, my career has few rooms for the classes, we have to take classes in other career buildings, by the way, the rooms of my career are not to big enough for the number of students we are, also I always I have also noticed that there are no ramps or accesses for the disabled, I remember when one friend of mine broke his leg, he was too difficulted to reach the third floor rooms, we have to help him. The buil

POST 6: Time Travel to the Future

 Time travel… mmmh… I don’t like to much this topic, I ever be more like “carpe diem”, but if I had to choose a future I would like to travel, it will be a future where the frontiers of the world doesn’t exists, a world where nobody suffer for food or any war, where people learn and understand the history for where people learn and understand history to build a better future for all, a future where all of us have a dignified life, where we live in harmony with the environment and his species. Out of carpe diem, that’s the future I want to visit and I want to create, I know that is a dream and an utopia, but, what type of young I will be without dreams?

POST 5: My Future Job

I would like a job that don’t have to stay in an office, or just a few hours of it, I would like it to be outdoors. By wanting this, it’s obvious I would like to travel a lot, I am now studying forestry engineering, a career that can meet these expectations of my future job. Now I am in professional practice and the job is somewhat like what I want, but I would like to try different jobs to see if it is my dream job, if I don't like it, I can always do something else

POST 4: A person I would like to meet

A person i would like to meet is Pablo Lescano, singer, composer and keyboardist of his band “Damas Gratis”. He is one of the greatest musicians of the genre “Cumbia Villera”, one of the most popular genres of music in Argentina. Pablo Lescano composes songs for various Argentine bands, his instrumet is the “keytar”, this is a mix between a keyboard and a guitar, to which effects can be added. I admire him because with his music he was able to get ahead and support his family, in addition, with his music he also brought joy to the neighborhood people of various Latin American countries, singing about loves, heartbreak and street experiences typical of that world

POST 3: My Favorite Children Program

    31 Minutos! Was my favorite program when I was a kid, as far as I am concerned, I watched every episode, I used to watch 31 Minutos with my godfathers, they liked it too, the program was hilarious something happens always, it was about a TV news where all the characters were puppets and toys, how was it going to be boring? My favorites sections of the program were the music section where each character has a song, and they have a Ranking Top with the 5 most cool songs of the week, and the Green Note, recorded by Juan Carlos Bodoque, I remember that I love this character he was the funniest of all for me. The program was geared for kids, and it teach about friendship, acceptance, environment, children’s rights and a lot of values and principles of life. Some time ago I search for the creators of this program, and I found an old program of they that is called “Plan Z” it isn’t geared for children I guess, but they have an amusing sense of humor, I recommended it.

POST 2: The Best Concert

In 2012 I went to a concert of “Los Fabulosos Cadillacs”, I still have the ticket hahah, it was in the “Bicentenario de la Florida” Stadium, I remember I went with all my cousins and some friends, we were about 15 friends, and we start partying in my cousin’s house in Independencia, we are all fans of Los Fabulosos Cadillacs. The opening act for Los Fabulosos Cadillacs was Santa Feria, we divided, and I went first with 5 friends, the most terrible was when we arrived at the stadium and I don’t find my ticket to entry, it was in my cousin’s house in Independencia, I had to wait to my brother who brought me my ticket about 2 hours outside the stadium hahaha. When he arrived with our other friends and cousins we got just in time to the first song of Los Fabulosos Cadillacs and we start to dance and advance and we reached the first line of the concert hahah, we knew all the songs, we sang, we cry hahah, we laugh, and I went to a “stage” it’s a way of saying I was “swimming” on the people’s

POST 1: A country I would like to visit

  Thailand! What a marvelous country, it is famous by its tropical beaches, big monuments, temples of Buddha and an ancient martial art… the Muay Thai, for all these things is why I want to go to Thailand. I don’t know much about this country, that’s why I want to go there, it catches my attention. I would like to go to a Muay Thai gym to learn and practice with people who live this martial art every day of his life. Mmm.. thinking about living there… well… I’m not into it, the language will be a barrier too difficult to cross, but to visit it for a vacation will be memorable!!